Thursday, February 20, 2014

Wow. 2014? Already?

Guess I better get some of this work done! A few pieces I am working on. The head sculpt is approximately 1/6 scale. It's a version of the Hot Toys Chris Reeves Superman figure recreated as one of my favorite anti-heroes: Bizarro! It's sculpted in Monster Clay which was cast from a sketch I made in Sculpy. Once the detailing is done, I will cast it in resin for a custom Bizarro figure.
See more sculpt pics and painting after the jump 

Next up is a very old piece I had been carrying around with me for about 8 years. It has survived several major moves unscathed. So I think it's time to finish it. Not sure what else to say about it other than it covers a variety of transitions in my life. Maybe more on it when it's done.
The next one I dug out from storage is was actually designed to be a flyer for an event back in Oakland. I think it was dated back in 2006 or 2007. The original piece was drawn on a 11x14 sheet of paper. It was never used because the organizers of the event decided it was too explicit and violent. Note: the original flyer had spent bullets flying about the page with various names of politicians and general public figure assholes printed on the spent bullet casings. Although abstract in its presentation, there is a face (gas mask/goggles) with a representation of some weapon (trigger) pointed at its head. In the same hand with its finger near the trigger, the palm of the hand is grasping an old fashioned hand-break. The idea behind this piece was to illustrate both how powerful words can be if used with discretion and how destructive they can be when used in anger. (The event had something to do with poets/authors or some such whom used their written word as "weapons"). I thought it was appropriate. The organizers eventually chose a flyer which depicted hands and fists circling a large peace symbol. Very original. I thought it would make a nice painting. So I enlarged it and started work on it. Then put it out to pasture. Now I shall breathe new life into it.
And finally: A family portrait! Acrylic on canvas. This piece I started last year around May. It is to be a gift for my wife.
Perhaps a nudge from one of my eight follows on this blog would help motivate me to get these done. ;) Til next time, thanks for looking. -iz

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