Much to my chagrin, I played ODST to the end. Wow - this was a terrible game.
But that's not what this blog is about.
Halo Reach, from what I have seen from new character design to the promise of the innovative, breath taking Forge world, this game looks like it will set a new standard for all games going forward much in the way the first Halo game did. Bungie has done well to re-engage my appetite for their eye-candy.
But again, this is not what this blog is about.
It's about toys.
And not the overpriced, low quality McFarlane mini-figures.
There is a silent movement of sorts among the collector's circle to life-like 1/6 scale dolls. Or "mandolls" for those who prefer.
These collectors have discerning tastes when it comes to dollar for quality and will spend a small fortune on the best head sculpts, gear, body types or 1/6 clothing. Not to mention the cost of some of the realistic weaponry. It is not uncommon to spend 50-100 (US) on a nude body without a head. Yet these are not the 12 inch G.I. Joe's of yesteryear. They are not Barbie, Hasbro, Mattel or any other large corporations distribution of mass-market media. In fact, it would be fair to categorize most of these companies as 'boutique' manufacturers since they generally produce these in small/limited runs (Qty): Hot Toys, BBI, Sideshow, DML, TSU and the number of even smaller companies that seem to appear out of nowhere and fade into obscurity as fast as they arrived.
So of these boutiques, who's picking up the Halo Reach license?
We can only speculate, hope and pray at this point. Given the latest successful run of Hot Toys (Iron Man, T2), it would be a no-brainier to have this company pick up the license.
Can you imagine this guy in all his 1/6 glory?!?!

Asking if this would be cool is like asking if a bear sh*ts in the woods.
So until one of our favorite companies picks up the license, I have started my own custom 1/6 Halo Reach Marine soldier: a prelude to a full armor Spartan which is what I really want to do. (Pictures to come soon)
I have all but finished the helmet and have been planning on how I would attack the body armor.
In my research for this project, I have found there are (at least) three distinct designs of the helmet. (Again, pictures to come soon)
My interpretation will most likely be a hybrid of all three since there are elements of each one I liked and wanted to include.
Or maybe I will just make a generic helmet with modification parts I can swap out at will.
More to come so stay tuned.

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